Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Test Shortcuts - The Easy Way

Test Shortcuts - The Easy Way

1 Hour Home Cleaning Routine

Hi everyone - it's me Nikki here today to share with you my daily 1-hour home cleaning routine. Now my routine is I only clean my home for one hour a day Monday through Friday and doing this routine stays on top of my home. I can stay on top of cleaning my own, my dear friend Marie introduced me to this system a few years back and it works so well after I've told you all in previous videos that I do only clean my house one hour a day Monday through Friday. I received so many requests to do a video to show what I do within that hour and kind of what is my actual routine, and that is the purpose of this video is to give you a quick overview of what I do within this hour now. I will do future videos in which I share kind of my methods for doing each of these duties along with products, so I hope you will enjoy okay, there's five staple cleaning duties that I do every day during my one hour cleaning schedule now. The very first thing I do is I do one load of laundry every day. So, first off, when I kick off my one hour, I go get a load of clothes. Typically one day it may be towels the next day it may be darks the other day. May be lights, but I do one load a day and I allow 15 minutes for this in that 15 minutes. That includes getting the clothes, putting them in the wash folding the clothes and putting them away very easy to do within 15 minutes. It does not include the cycle time because I'm working on other things, then the second thing I do is I unload my dishwasher. I do not believe in dirty dishes in the sink. I always believe when people are household members use their dishes. They put them directly in the dishwasher at night. Before I go to bed, I run my dishwasher in the morning. I unload the dishwasher so that everyone has availability to put their dirty dishes in there. This system so works. It keeps dishes out your sink and it makes your process so easy and our I allow five minutes for this responsibility within my one hour designated cleaning routine. The next thing I do is I do a house sweep and I'll allow ten minutes to do a house sweep and what I do is I basically go through my house and I put everything back where it belongs. You know if we have things sitting out I'll put them back. I straighten up the pillows on the sofa. You know things that, typically from day to day, you get kind of a little bit out of place, but it's not too bad and I put the remote control back by the TV there's usually sitting on the sofa any advertisements to sit around. I [ANCHOR_COMES_HERE] trash them and put them away things like that. Okay, then I do one daily duty and the daily duty is something different every day Monday through Friday, and so this is kind of the you know the bulk of the chore. I allow twenty minutes for this. You know duty and the duty kind of varies day-to-day. What it is, I don't have a sense system of same Monday. I do this Tuesday. I do this kind of whatever. I feel that long as I do all of them within the week. I make sure I get it done and it's not a problem. So some of the things that I do is one Monday I made vacuum the carpets upstairs, so I only have carpet upstairs Tuesday. I may change all the bed linens Wednesday. I may clean all the bathrooms, you know Thursday. I may do the baseboards, which is kind of a monthly duty, and then Friday I mean do all of my kind of dusting of accessories and kind of um. You know mopping the floors and kind of wiping down everything, just kind of a overall health wipe down, and so you know it just varies from day to day what I do and the last thankful of my daily duties is: I do one organizational project per day And it's something that's quick and easy. It may be something as simple as going in my spice drawer and wiping down all the little drawers in there making sure they're in F medical order or cleaning out a little drawer, straightening out a little drawer. Something that's simple but maintains my home and organization: okay, everyone, let's do just a very quick recap of the one hour a day Monday through Friday, cleaning routine that I have. So if your house is one, that's not an order yet you're going to get there. Just take a day clean your entire house and then start this system off. You don't want to start with the system. If your house is first not clean, get your house clean and then use this as your it's clinging routine. Now, one let's go through our daily schedule: 9:00 a.m. put a load of clothes in the washing machine 905 empty your dishwasher get all those dishes put away so that everyone can start putting their dirty dishes in there as they use them 9:10. Do your house sweep go through pick up everything put them where it belongs, 9:20. Do your daily Duty, whatever it is for that day, vacuuming dusting, whatever you choose to do at 9:40, do your organizational project clean out a drawer clean out a cabinet, something quick and easy, and at 9:50 put those clothes in the dryer and then, when they're done Fold them put them away and you're done for the day. It goes by so fast, so quick and you will notice if you keep the schedule up over time. It is just so easy, and actually you may even be able to do a lot of this under an hour after time goes on in your house, is really truly maintained. I hope you found it helpful. I hope you have a beautiful weekend. This is Nikki, saying goodbye.

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